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About SAGE

Welcome to the SAGE (Scoping the Accessibility of Safer Gambling Information in the United Kingdom Armed Forces: A Pilot Evaluation) project website.

SAGE is service evaluation taking place within the UK armed forces and led by Professor Simon Dymond who is director of the GREAT (Gambling, Research, Education, and Treatment) Network Wales.

What are the project aims?

The SAGE service evaluation builds on previous research by Professor Dymond and his team demonstrating that armed services personnel are at an increased risk of harmful gambling. The project will involve surveying and interviewing members of the armed forces, friends and family affected by the gambling habits of armed service personnel, and military health and welfare staff who help armed forces personnel experiencing harmful gambling. The project team aim to understand and evaluate awareness of safer gambling information among the UK armed forces, identify the kinds of problems related to harmful gambling in the armed forces, and learn how best to improve the accessibility of safer gambling information for personnel and their friends and family.


The SAGE project team will also evaluate an online tool designed to screen for harmful gambling, provide education on facts about harmful gambling, and refer users to sources of help and support. 

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How will the findings be communicated?

The findings of the SAGE service evaluation will be presented at a knowledge sharing event hosted at Swansea University.


The SAGE team will also write up the findings from this service evaluation and publish them in academic journals. In communicating our findings in this way it is hoped that our work will lead to better help for armed forces personnel and friends and family who may be affected by harmful gambling.

Who's carrying out the service evaluation and who is funding the project?

The SAGE project team represent the organizations of Swansea University and Anglia Ruskin University. To see each team member's  biographies, please visit the 'Team' section of this website using the navigation bar.
The SAGE project is funded by Greo (Gambling Research Exchange Ontario).


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