Project Information
SAGE is being carried out in 3 work packages:
Work Package 1:
Work Package 1 will include a survey and a series of interviews involving armed forces personnel, people who are affected by the gambling habits of a member of the armed forces, and people who help armed forces personnel with gambling related problems..
The survey will be delivered online, though members of the study team will visit potential participants to speak to them about the survey. The survey is designed to gather information about participants, and about their experiences of gambling related harms, and gauge awareness of sources of support for harmful gambling and associated difficulties.
Survey participants will be asked during the survey if they would be willing to speak to a study team member about their experiences in greater detail in a follow up interviews. All those who complete interviews will be thanked for their time with shopping voucher.
Work Package 2:
Work Package 2 will involve the user experience (UX) evaluation of a web-based Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment tool (SBIRT). The SBIRT can be described as an e-learning platform which also signposts users to sources of help and support. It has already been in development with Soteria and development will be finalized based on the results of a systematic review of the literature regarding electronic or e-SBIRT platforms, and on feedback from a selection of armed forces personnel with experience of harmful gambling, or experience of helping others.
Work Package 3
Work Package 3 will involve sharing the findings of Work Package 1 and 2. The data we gather from surveys, interviews, literature reviews and UX workshops will be analysed and written up in articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals. We will also host a Knowledge Sharing event at Swansea University to present the findings to stakeholders from the harmful gambling research and treatment communities.
We will also share news about the SAGE project, and reports of the findings on this website and on social media via our Twitter account: